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July 2020 Meeting Minutes

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2020 7:29 pm
by komats
MIJC Meeting Minutes July 11, 2020

Old Business:

Treasurers Report: There continued to be some income from dues and had expenses for food for the 11 members going on the big trip and the web hosting payment that was approved at June’s meeting. Balance is $895.73
Motion made and passed to accept report.

We had one new member….Ron Tackett out of Armington.

There were 2 members present that had traveled out to South Dakota for the big trip. They said that it was a very good time despite the long drive. They also said that no one suffered any major trail damage.
There was no indication that anyone travel to Sullivan Missouri on June 20th or how many may have spent Independence Day at Dukes.

New Business:
Since there are no upcoming wheeling events there was really no other new business.
The next meeting will be at The Dream Hut in Bartonville on August 1st at 6pm. Also, Jill confirmed that the Hog Eat will remain on the schedule for members only on August 22nd. Watch the forum for details and side dish sign up.

Motion was made and passed to adjourn meeting.

Meeting was adjourned